Massive Kayak Freestyle Action

- endlich seriös Kajak fahren -
Hell Yeahr MkfA

Dutch Water Dreams Kajakfestival 2010

Am 16. & 17. April in Zoetermeer. Hab ich bisher verpeilt, ist jetzt aber im Kalender nachgetragen.

Mit der englischen Version siehts auf der Website noch mau aus, deswegen kommt hier der Text von Facebook:

On the 16th and 17th of april the second edition of the Kajakfestival will become reality. The festival will take place at the artificial white water complex Dutch Water Dreams in Zoetermeer (The Netherlands).

Just as in the previous edition, there will be loads of activities and competitions. Main focus of the festival will be the 4 Dutch Championships of which 3 are open championships:

-Slalom (dutch only)
-Freestyle (open)
-Downriver sprint (open)
-BoaterX (open)


The time schedule for the festival will be as follows:
Friday 16th of april 2010
17.00 – 18.00 hrs Slalom training
18.00 – 19.00 hrs Freestyle training
19.00 – 20.00 hrs Downriver sprint training
20.00 – 22.00 hrs Prelims boaterX
22.00 – 24.00 hrs Prelims freestyle

Saturday 17th of april 2010
07.00 – 12.00 hrs Slalom Championships
12.00 – 13.00 hrs Whitewater academy break
13.00 – 17.00 hrs Break program (clinics, movies, etc)
17.00 – 18.00 hrs Half final freestyle
18.00 – 19.30 hrs Downriver sprint final
19.30 – 21.00 hrs Freestyle final
21.00 – 22.00 hrs BoaterX final
23.00 hrs Award ceremony

After the award ceremony there will obviously be a party to end the event with a bang!


2 days of competitions, music, entertainment, clinics, demonstrations and movies! And people who are looking for a new kano, kayak or other gear can shop at the shopping plaza. The entrance to the festival terrain will even be free! The entree fee for the first competition you want to compete in is 30 euros, and for every other competition you pay 5 euro’s extra. There will also be overall standings in which you automatically compete when you enter 3 or more competitions.

That must be enough reasons to come and join us!
So sign in now @

Das wird auf jeden n phatter Event, wenns nur nicht 670 Km von Nürnberg entfernt wär…

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Kategorie: Freestyle
25. März 2010: Philipp | 241 views

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